Monday, May 23, 2011

Ball of Nerves

Tomorrow Jeremy and I head to Dallas, Texas for X Factor Auditions and I am a ball of nerves! We are both very excited and have great peace about it. Yesterday however, I sat down to read over all the rules, info and such and my stomach has been in knots since.When I checked my facebook this morning encouragement was there:
"God would not have planted those dreams in your heart if He had not already given you the talent, the creativity and the determination to see them come to pass." Joel Osteen. (Thanks Sherry and Robin).
Many of you have made yourself available to help us in so many ways and we could never say thank you enough. Others have asked how you can help. 
We need prayer. Specifically for favor. 
God has planted seeds and gifts inside Jeremy and I bigger than ourselves. I know this, I believe it. With more people supporting us now than ever, I am overwhelmed with love and joy. Favor with man is all that is left at play. 
Join us as we claim it as ours this week! I know this is just another leg in our journey forward to his purpose for our lives. So here we go! Nerves and all.
Head to Jeremy's music fan page on facebook where we will keep you updated on auditions while we are there!

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